What’s in store for food in 2022?

With a New Year approaching so does new trends in food. As we look towards 2022 and with recent unprecedented events more people are focusing not only on what they are consuming but also on how it is grown and produced.

Sustainability was a key element in food trends for 2021 and it is again in food trends for 2022. The focus of ingredients farmed and sourced responsibly with a lower impact on the environment will expand this trend in important ways as will the increase of availability.

With a focus on sustainability, here are the upcoming food trends for the new year.

Know your produce, know your farmer.

Not only is produce that is farmed responsibly increasing on consumers’ priority list, but knowing where their food comes from is also a high priority. Alongside this, there has also been an increase in community and backyard gardens. The uptake of these was started to address the issue of “urban-food deserts” for those who live in the city and at times don’t have access to land or fresh produce. Allowing consumers to understand the process of food production and connect with the process of getting food onto their table. With more options now available to consumers with projects such as community gardens, kitchen crops, and even home-based hydroponics, there is now a new range of growing methods to be explored. This allows for rooftops, balconies, and backyards to be used to access healthy ingredients that have been grown in responsible ways.

For those who don’t have a green thumb or accessibility to these gardens, having access to produce that is farmed responsibly and the increased interest in knowing where their food comes from, increased opportunities for frozen fruits and vegetables to meet this gap. Produce that is transparent in its origins and production process, allowing the consumer to essentially, know the farmer and feel connected to the brand. 

Reducing Meat Intake 

With a focus on sustainability and the damaging effects that excessive meat consumption can have on the environment and our health. This food trend is also known as “Reducetarian Eating” embraces thoughtful moderation rather than changing your diet to vegetarian and vegan.

With a lot of incredible alternative meal options and substitutes for meat in recipes and available in ready-to-eat meals, this gives mindful consumers the options to look at more environmentally conscious ways to eat. 


Environmental issues have been at the front of news stories for the better part of a decade. With the increased news coverage, sustainable living is a topic many consumers are aware of and a vast majority are taking steps towards living more sustainably. Part of this trend is the decrease in food waste and the decision to purchase products that contain less plastic. Consumers are actively looking for brands that fit their desire to be more sustainable while delivering the same consistent product that they love. 

Food is Medicine 

Two years into a pandemic, people are consuming more immunity-boosting foods which have created a growing interest in the concept that food is medicine. This has encouraged people to consume more natural, minimally processed foods to get the most nutrition for better health outcomes including a stronger immune system.
After initial studies were completed on the COVID-19 virus it was found that people with a greater immunity were less likely to suffer more severe side effects, so there was an increased demand to stock up on ingredients that contain Vitamin C and immunity-boosting properties.
An example of immunity-boosting foods include fruits with Vitamin C such as guavas, strawberries, and oranges. 
Zinc which is also great for your immunity can be found in shiitake mushrooms, peas and spinach. 

Social Media Recipes

Cooking at home increased during the pandemic, and the details show that a large majority of consumers are intent on continuing this trend. With a world that has been heavily involved in tech and online purchasing for two years, more people are trying out different recipes and trends that they are finding on social media platforms such as Tik Tok and Instagram. With the rise of home cooking throughout the last few years, consumers are looking to continue with this trend well beyond the pandemic. As we head into 2022, more social media-inspired recipes will become part of dinnertime routines as consumers opt for faster, convenient, and easier recipes to make in the comfort of their own kitchen.

As we head into 2022 with a focus on fresh and sustainable food trends which of the above are your customers following or looking at adapting into their lifestyle? Have you seen a shift in the way consumers purchase now against how they purchased pre-pandemic? 

Just some “food-for-thought” as we move into the new year. 

Would you like to know more? Start a conversation with our team today.  Contact us on 02 4573 2555 or by email at [email protected].

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